Precautions for hoisting operation of jointless steel wire rope sling

Release time:2021-08-11 14:08:23
The jointless steel wire rope sling is a ring-shaped sling woven through a special winding device and a special process. Its advantage is that the rope body is soft and there are many lifting points, which can well solve the operation requirements of small lifting space and high load. It is suitable for the special needs of transformers, shipbuilding and special machinery, as well as large hoisting in many environments. The specifications of the sub-rope used by the jointless loop rigging are different, and its breaking load is also different. The breaking load of the rigging can be calculated according to the wire rope structure required by the customer. The minimum breaking force of the unconnected wire rope is six times the working load. Processing range: Φ10mm-Φ570mm.
So what are the precautions for hoisting of unconnected wire rope slings?
First of all, the first point is that when the load or rope changes abnormally during hoisting, it should be stopped immediately, and it can be used only after passing the inspection by qualified personnel;
Secondly, the second point, when installing the unconnected wire rope sling, first make sure whether the load to be hoisted matches the sling, and remember not to overload the installation;
The third point is that the unconnected wire rope slings are not allowed to be twisted and tested or slanted;
Fourth, when the object to be hoisted has edges and corners or the surface is rough, there must be a special protective device to protect the load, as well as a jointless rope loop rigging, which can not be directly hoisted without a joint rope loop;
Fifth point, the area of ​​the no-lifting point is marked in red. Pay attention to the location of the no-lifting point and no lifting is allowed.
Sixth, the connection method is correct when hoisting. Before hoisting, carry out a test hoisting, and only after the test hoisting is successful, the hoisting can be carried out. During the hoisting process, it is required to be stable and impact is strictly prohibited;
Seventh point, when using single or double no-joint rope loop rigging, directly hang the rope loop into the center of the crane hook's force, and no force can be applied to the hook tip;
Eighth point, no two of the four jointless rope loop riggings are directly hung into the double hook of the crane. Note that the two ropes in the hook cannot overlap or squeeze each other. The four ropes should be symmetrical to the center of the hook.
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